A Co-movement Analysis of Housing Purchase Price of Capital and Non-Capital Area

수도권과 지방 주택매매가격의 동조화 변화 분석

  • Received : 2019.03.09
  • Accepted : 2019.04.13
  • Published : 2019.04.30


This study examined the dynamic change in the co-movement between the house price rates with the network methods of Mantegna (1999). First, Capital area and non-capital area form independent clusters which have the heterogeneous co-movement pattern. In other words, Capital and non-capital areas have low connectivity in the housing market. Also, if the co-movement between capital areas have been strengthened, the co-movement between non-capital areas have been weakened. The results of the dynamic analysis show that the degree of the co-movement in the housing market is continuously increased. The members of the co-movement group in the capital area are strongly steadied by all periods. However, the members in the non-capital area have been changed according to the period. Accordingly, it is necessary to establish policies based on various information for the housing market of the non-capital area rather than policies targeting the capital area. In addition, Apartments in Korea are more likely to be used as investment or speculative assets than other types of houses. It has been confirmed that this is Gangbuk, which is locatied in the northern part of Seoul, appears to be a region where the Spillover Effects of price fluctuation can be triggered in the housing and apartment market. However, the housing market in Gangnam, which is locatied in the southern part of Seoul, was divided into low systematic risk.



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