국제기업가정신과 국제화 성과와의 관계

A Relationship between International Entrepreneurship and Internationalization Performance

  • Choi, Yu-Ri (Department of Business Adminstration, Pusan National University) ;
  • Bang, Ho-Yeol (Department of Business Adminstration, Pusan National University)
  • 투고 : 2018.11.20
  • 심사 : 2019.02.20
  • 발행 : 2019.02.28


The purpose of this research is to identify the global capability of international entrepreneurship, categorize internationalization opportunities into different types, and propose international entrepreneurship and the fit of opportunities. To do so, this study reviewed seven prominent business journals between 1996 and 2015 reflected the international business activities of entrepreneur and identified 6 attributes of international entrepreneurship. Second, this study analyzed researches using internationalization motivation as a keyword, categorized the researches into 4 types of internationalization opportunity according to the exploration and exploitation of resources. Third, this study developed conceptual models based on them to identify international entrepreneurship and fit of opportunities and gave a hypothesis on the relationship between international entrepreneurship, internationalization opportunity, and internationalization performance. By clarifying which capability of an international entrepreneur is needed in an internationalization opportunity, this study is expected to provide theoretical and practical implications to the internationalization performance of firms.



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