산업용 기계 및 기구 관련 재해강도 지표의 평가

Evaluation of Severity Measures of Accidents Associated with Industrial Machines and Devices

  • 최기흥 (한성대학교 기계시스템공학과)
  • Choi, Gi Heung (Department of Mechanical Systems Engineering, Hansung University)
  • 투고 : 2018.12.05
  • 심사 : 2019.04.25
  • 발행 : 2019.04.30


This study focuses on the evaluation of severity measures used for accidents associated with industrial machines and devices. In particular, duration of medical treatment, duration of work loss, number of deaths in an individual accident associated with industrial machines and devices are evaluated in various ways to assess the severity of the accident. The number of accidents with work loss of longer than 1 year as the severity measure and the number of accidents as the frequency measure appeared to be the most discriminating information and allow risk assessment based on these frequency and severity measures for grouping of industrial machines and devices. Results of such risk assessment further confirmed the re-classification of industrial machines and devices that are currently subject to safety certification (SC) and self-declaration of conformity (SDC) or selection of those machines and devices that are newly subject to SC and SDC.


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Fig. 1. Model of direct regulations applied on both users and manufacturers1).

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Fig. 2. Selection of measures for grouping/classification where classes are clearly discriminated.

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Fig. 3. Relationship between the frequency (number of accidents) and the severity (number of deaths) of the associated accidents in recent 6 years (2012~2017).

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Fig. 4. Relationship between severity of injuries and deaths in 20094).

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Fig. 5. Relationship between the frequency (number of accidents) and the severity (medical treatment of more than 3 months) of the accidents associated with industrial machines and devices in recent 6 years (2012~2017).

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Fig. 6. Relationship between the frequency (number of accidents) and the severity (medical treatment of more than 6 months) of the accidents associated with industrial machines and devices in recent 6 years (2012~2017).

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Fig. 7. Relationship between the frequency (number of accidents) and the severity (medical treatment of more than 1 year) of the accidents associated with industrial machines and devices in recent 6 years (2012~2017).

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Fig. 8. Relationship between the severity (medical treatment of more than 3 months) and the severity (labor loss of more than 3 months) of the accidents associated with industrial machines and devices in recent 6 years (2012~2017).

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Fig. 9. Relationship between the frequency (number of accidents) and the severity (labor loss of more than 6 months) of the accidents associated with industrial machines and devices in recent 6 years (2012~2017).

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Fig. 10. Relationship between the frequency (number of accidents) and the severity (labor loss of more than 1 year) of the accidents associated with industrial machines and devices in recent 6 years (2012~2017).

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Fig. 11. Classification of items subject to either safety certification or SDC based on OR combination of the frequency and the severity (labor loss of more than 1 year) of the accidents associated with industrial machines and devices in recent 6 years.

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Fig. 12. Classification of items subject to either safety certification or SDC based on AND combination of the frequency and the severity (labor loss of more than 1 year) of the accidents associated with industrial machines and devices in recent 6 years (2012~2017).

Table 1. Severity of industrial accidents in 2008 and 20097)

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  2. Yearly Industrial Accident Analysis Report, KOSHA, 2008-2014.
  3. G. H. Choi, "Balance and Effectiveness of Direct Regulations on Manufacturers and Users of Industrial Machines", J. Korean Soc. Saf,.Vol. 30, No. 1, pp.1-7, 2015.
  4. G. H. Choi, "Effectiveness of Direct Safety Regulations on Manufacturers and Users of Industrial Machines: Its Implications on Industrial Safety Policies in the Republic of Korea", SHAW, Vol. 8, No. 1, pp. 59-66, 2017.
  5. G. H. Choi, "Effectiveness and Balance of Compulsory and Voluntary Safety Certification of Industrial Machines and Devices", J. Korean Soc. Saf., Vol. 31, No. 1, pp. 7-12, February 2016.
  6. G. H. Choi and K.O. Lee, Adjustment of Industrial Machines and Devices Subject to Safety Certification, Self-Declaration of Conformity and Safety Inspection, Research Report, Occupational Safety and Health Certification Institute, 2018.
  7. J. Y. Lee, Ju Chan Kim and G. H. Choi, A Study on Risk Assessment of Industrial Machines, Research Report, Occupational Safety and Health Research Institute, 2010.