Fig. 1. Outline Of Bridge Plans (a)Plan View (b)Cross Section of Girder on Pier1 (c)Vertical View (d)Cross Section of Girder on Pier2
Fig. 2. Torsion Direction of Girder without Cable
Fig. 3. Deformed Shape of Truss Girder witn Case1 (a)Truss Girder on Pier1 (b)Truss Girder on Pylon1
Fig. 4. Transverse Arrangement of Cable
Fig. 5. Analysis Modeling
Fig. 6. Cable Group (a)Cable Group1 (b)Cable Group2 (c)Pylon1 deformed shape by cable group1 (d)Pylon1 deformed shape by cable group2
Fig. 7. Girder Moment due to Tension of Cable Group1 (a)My (b)Mz (c)Mx
Fig. 8. Girder Moment due to Tension of Cable Group2 (a)My (b)Mz (c)Mx
Fig. 9. Pattern Diagram
Fig. 10. Transver Moment Diagram of Pylon1
Fig. 11. Mode Shape (a)mode2 (b)mode5
Table 1. Direction of Torsion Deformation
Table 2. Stress of Girder due to Combination GR1&GR2
Table 3. Horizontal Force of Bearing due to Combination GR1&GR2
Table 4. Displacement of Pylon due to Combination GR1&GR2
Table 5. Tension of vertical BackStay Cable due to Combination GR1 and GR2
Table 6. Equivalent elastic modulus
Table 7. Frequency of Eigenvalue Analysis
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