Correlation between the components of dying with dignity and quality of life

웰다잉의 구성요소와 삶의 질 간의 상관관계

  • Lim, HyoNam (College of Nursing, Konyang University) ;
  • Lee, Seo-Hui (Dept. of Public Health, The Graduate School of Public Health & Welfare, Konyang University) ;
  • Kim, Kwang-Hwan (Dept. of Hospital Management, Konyang University)
  • 임효남 (건양대학교 간호대학) ;
  • 이서희 (건양대학교 보건복지대학원 보건학과) ;
  • 김광환 (건양대학교 병원경영학과)
  • Received : 2019.01.28
  • Accepted : 2019.05.03
  • Published : 2019.05.31


The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between the perception of dying with dignity and the quality of life based on the opinions of the Korean populations. The participants were selected using a stratified proportional allocation method and 1,000 adults aged between 19 and 74 years from 17 municipalities and provinces in Korea. The questionnaire consisted of 2 demographic items; 26 items on the quality of life scale; and 57 items on the perception of dying with dignity. The statistical methods used included frequency analyses, independent sample t-tests, and correlation analyses. The results showed that the quality of life was highest for the social life quality item, and that the participants who had experienced a death in the family were more likely to have statistically lower quality of life in physical, psychological, environmental, and social areas. In terms of the participants' perception on dying with dignity, the score for death preparation was the highest; specifically, the score for psychological/economic burden reduction was the highest. The quality of life of the participants showed a positive correlation in all aspects of the perception of dying with dignity: physical symptoms and control, death preparation, death environment, family and social relations, hospital treatment, psychological dignity, and spirituality. Other studies conducted with middle-aged populations showed that their quality of life was higher when they perceived the acceptance of death is important and were willing to participate in death preparation education. Therefore, in order to improve the quality of life and have a positive influence on the participants, educational programs on death preparation and dying with dignity considering all the areas of the perception of dying with dignity should be provided.

본 연구는 한국인이 생각하는 웰다잉 인식의 구성요소와 삶의 질 간의 상관관계를 알아보고자 한다. 연구대상은 층화 비례배분 방식으로 추출하였고, 전국 17개 시와 도의 만 19세 이상 만 75세 미만의 성인 1,000명으로 선정하였다. 설문구성은 일반적 특성 2문항, 삶의 질 척도 26문항, 웰다잉 인식 척도 57문항이었다. 통계 검정법으로는 빈도 분석, 독립표본 t-검정, 상관분석을 실시하였다. 연구결과는 삶의 질은 사회적인 삶의 질이 가장 높았으며, 가족 죽음의 경험 유무에 따라 가족의 죽음 경험이 있는 대상자가 가족의 죽음 경험이 없는 대상자에 비해, 신체적, 심리적, 환경적, 사회적 영역의 삶의 질이 모두 통계적으로 낮은 것으로 나타났다. 연구대상자의 웰다잉 인식 중에서는 죽음 준비의 점수가 가장 높았으며, 그 중에서도 심리 경제적 부담 경감의 점수가 가장 높았다. 연구대상자의 삶의 질은 웰다잉 인식의 모든 영역인 신체적 증상과 통제, 죽음준비, 죽음환경, 가족 및 사회관계, 병원치료, 심리 존엄 영성 부분에서 양의 상관관계를 보였다. 중년층을 대상으로 한 다른 연구에서는 노후를 위해 죽음을 받아들이는 자세가 우선적으로 중요하다고 인식한 경우와, 죽음준비교육에 참여할 의향이 있다고 응답한 경우가 삶의 질이 높은 것으로 나타났다. 따라서 대상자의 삶의 질을 향상시키기 위해서는 죽음준비 및 웰다잉 교육에 웰다잉 인식의 각 영역을 프로그램으로 계획하여 교육한다면 삶의 질을 높이는 데에 긍정적인 영향을 미칠 것으로 사료된다.


Table 1. General Characteristics of the Participants

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Table 2. Subject’s Quality of Life

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Table 3. Physical Symptoms and Control in Participants’ Perception of dying with dignity

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Table 4. Death Preparation in Participants’ Perception of dying with dignity

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Table 5. Death Environment in Participants’ Perception on dying with dignity

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Table 6. Family and Social Relationships in Participants’ Perception of dying with dignity

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Table 7. Hospital Treatment in Participants’ Perception of dying with dignity

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Table 8. Psychological Dignity Spirituality in Participants’ Perception of dying with dignity

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Table 9. Correlation Between Participants’ Quality of Life and Perception of dying with dignity

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