Table 1. Analysis of research journal
Table 2. Analysis of research sample
Table 3. Analysis of research methods
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- C. M. Brotheridge & R. T. Lee. (1998). On the dimensionality of emotional labor: Development and validation of an emotional labor scale. In First Conference on Emotions in Organizational Life, San Diego, CA.
- C. M. Brotheridge & R. T. Lee. (2003). Development and validation of the emotional labour scale. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 76(3), 365-379. DOI : 10.1348/096317903769647229
- J. M. Diefendorff, M. H. Croyle & R. H. Gosserand. (2005). The dimensionality and antecedents of emotional labor strategies. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 66(2), 339-357. DOI : 10.1016/j.jvb.2004.02.001
- R. S. Rubin, V. M. S. Tardino, C. S. Daus & D. C. Munz. (2005). A reconceptualization of the emotional labor construct: On the development of an integrated theory of perceived emotional dissonance and emotional labor. In Annual Conference of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, 17th, Toronto, ON, Canada; A version of this chapter was presented at the aforementioned conference. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Publishers.
- G. Wang, S. E. Seibert & T. L. Boles. (2011). Chapter 1 synthesizing what we know and looking ahead: a meta-analytical review of 30 years of emotional labor research. In What Have We Learned? Ten Years On (pp. 15-43). Emerald Group Publishing Limited.
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- H. E. Lee (2010). The Relationship between emotional intelligence and emotional labor and its effect on job burnout in Korean organizations (PhD Dissertation). The University of Minnesota, MN, USA.
- S. H. Kim. (2009). Is salespersons' service faked or authentic?: The effects of authenticity perceived by customers about salespersons' emotional labor on service quality evaluation. Korean Marketing Review, 24(3), 1-33.
- J. H. Kim, H. Lee & H. E. Lee. (2010). The effects of emotional intelligence and emotional labor on department store salespersons' customer orientation and sales performance. Korea Research Academy of Distribution and Management Review, 13(4), 97-117.
- J. H. Kim, S. H. Lee, D. W. Shin & J. H. Song. (2014). Effects of emotional regulation processes on adaptive selling behavior and sales performance. Asia Marketing Journal, 16(1), 71-100.
- J. Y. Lew. (2017). Influence of emotional intelligence and emotional labor on adoptive selling behavior and customer orientation. Korean Business Education Review, 32(6), 123-142 DOI : 10.23839/kabe.2017.32.6.123
- T. H. Shin. (2017). A Study on the mediation effect of job stress in the relationship between humor styles and job engagement of emotional laborers in hotels. Journal of Foodservice Management Society of Korea, 20(4), 345-367
- M. H. Kim, Y. H. Lee & H. J. Jeon. (2010). A Empirical Study on the Level of Training Transfer and Job Satisfaction in Public Service Agency. Korean Journal of Business Administration, 23(5), 2523-2541.
- J. H. Kim. (2013). The effects of hotel employees' affectivity and emotional labor on job satisfaction and turnover intention. Korea Research Academy of Distribution and Management Review, 16(5), 89-99.
- B. Y. Xiao, K. T. Lee & G. D. Kang. (2014). The effect of negative emotion caused by dysfunctional customer behavior on job satisfaction : Focusing on the moderating effect of emotional labor propensity. Korean Journal of Business Administration, 27(2), 285-309.
- T. S. Kim & C. Y. Hur. (2012). Effect of emotional labor on emotional exhaustion and job satisfaction : Mainly on KTX train attendants. Korean Journal of Business Administration, 25(9), 3761-3780.
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- J. W. Kim. (2016). The relationships among customer-member exchange, team-member exchange, emotional labors, and organizational behaviors. Journal of Marketing Studies, 24(4), 151-172. DOI : 10.21191/jms.24.4.08
- H. Lee & J. H. Kim. (2017). Impact of social support on emotional labor and job satisfaction in smart work environments. The e-Business Studies, 18(6), 347-361. DOI : 10.20462/tebs.2017.
- M. M. Huo, M. O. Kim, M. O. Ro & H. Y. Hwang. (2016). A study on the drivers and outcomes of emotional labor among chinese service employees : Nonlinear relationship between rapport and emotional labor. Korean Business Education Review, 31(3), 219-241.
- J. H. Kim & H. J. Mun. (2018). Influences of affectivity and organizational commitment on job satisfaction and work performance of information security professionals. Journal of the Korea Convergence Society, 9(6), 225-234. DOI : 10.15207/JKCS.2018.9.6.225
- S. E. Park. (2009). The effects of emotional dissonance on the employee's job attitudes and the moderating role of job autonomy and social supports. Korean Management Review, 38(2), 379-405.
- H. C. Lim. (2011). An effects of job-family conflict, trust to leader, emotional labor on job attitudes using consulting data in securities industry. Korean Management Consulting Review, 11(2), 117-134.
- Y. K. Lee, S. H. Kim & D. S. Park. (2013). The locus of control and organizational commitment among home-visiting worksheet teachers: Moderating role of emotional labor strategy. Korean Business Education Review, 28(1), 257-278.
- J. W. Yoo, W. J. Kwak & H. C. Shin. (2014). The antecedents and consequences of service employee's emotional labor. Journal of Human Resource Management Research, 21(2), 49-64. DOI : 10.14396/jhrmr.2014.21.2.49
- S. E. Park & D. H. Shin. (2011). Emotional labor and work-family conflict as two antecedents to the job burnout. Korean Journal of Management, 19(1), 227-266.
- H. G. Kwon & B. G. Park. (2011). The effects of surface and deep acting of emotional labor on emotional dissonance and job attitudes. Journal of Human Resource Management Research, 18(1), 311-325.
- Y. X. Jin & K. C. Song. (2012). Mediating role of job burnout and moderating role of social support in the relationships among job stressors, emotional labor, and job satisfaction. Korean Journal of Human Resources Development, 15(2), 1-36.
- I. E. Kang, J. Y. Lee & D. H. Youn. (2013). The impacts of emotional labor on perception of organizational support and burnout - The case of employee in security & guard company. Journal of Human Resource Management Research, 20(5), 45-61. DOI : 10.14396/jhrmr.2013.20.5.45
- C. H. Im. (2009). The role of humor and trust in the emotional labor workplace: An expansion of the job demands-resources model. Journal of Organization and Management, 33(2), 111-143.
- Y. S. Kim & C. H. Shim. (2013). The effects of hotel employees' emotional labor on turnover intention -Focused on moderating effects of coping strategy. Journal of Foodservice Management, 16(6), 265-283.
- J. A. Chae & S. W. Bae. (2014). A study on the effects of medical employees's emotional labor on turnover intention and customer orientation - Mediated by job stress and job satisfaction. Journal of Marketing Management Research, 19(1), 133-152.
- Y. K. Kim. (2014). Employees' humor style, emotional labor, job satisfaction, and turnover intention among high-contact service employees. Journal of Distribution Science, 12(10), 109-121. DOI : 10.15722/jds.12.10.201410.109
- S. E. Kim & C. H. Kim. (2014). The study on the relationships of emotional labor, job satisfaction, turnover intention, and resilience. Management Information Systems review, 33(5), 261-283. DOI : 10.29214/damis.2014.33.5.015
- K. S. Jeong, S. J. Choi, M. O. Park & Y. Li. (2015). The effects of customer service representatives' emotional labor by emotional display rules on emotional dissonance, emotional exhaustion and turnover intention in the context of call centers. Korean Journal of Business Administration, 28(2), 529-551.
- S. J. Choi & K. J. Cheong. (2016). The influence of customer service representatives' perceived customer verbal abuse on emotional labor and emotional exhaustion in the context of call centers. Korean Management Review, 45(1), 295-328. DOI : 10.17287/kmr.2016.45.1.295
- J. S. Lee. (2017). An empirical study on the airline service employees' psychological mechanism according to the emotional labor. Journal of Distribution Science, 15(2), 111-120. DOI : 10.15722/jds.15.2.201702.111
- K. J. Kim. (2011). The influence of emotion labor on job burnout of the hotel F&B employees - Focused on moderating roles of employment status. Journal of Foodservice Management, 14(4), 27-44.
- K. W. Yang, H. E. Jang & Y. J. Chae. (2015). An integrative model of emotion-rule dissonance and emotion-display dissonance: Different impacts of two concepts of emotional dissonance on emotional labor process. Journal of Organization and Management, 39(3), 87-110.
- S. H. Lee, H. W. Koh, N. Tuya & K. H. Choi. (2018). Dual roles of emotional intelligence in the emotional labor processes: emotional intelligence's direct effect on emotive effort and indirect effect on emotive dissonance. Journal of Organization and Management, 42(1), 35-63.
- N. G. Baek. (2013). The effect of burnout and customer orientation on emotional labor of food service company staff. The Academy of Customer Satisfaction Management, 15(3), 25-50.
- J. C. Bae & P. J. Kim. (2011). A study on the emotional labor of sales workers at department Stores. Journal of Distribution Science, 9(4), 75-82. DOI : 10.15722/jds.9.4.201112.75
- S. B. Cha & H. S. Kim. (2014). The effect of emotional labor on psychological well-being of hotel employees. Journal of Foodservice Management, 17(1), 93-112.
- M. S. Yoon & N. H. Kim. (2016). The moderating effect of client violence on the relationship between emotional labor and depression among social workers. Korean Journal of Human Resources Development, 19(4), 187-221.
- Y. W. Lee, H. S. Kim & J. H. Han. (2016). The effect of informal social support and perceived usability of work-family human resource bundles on emotional labor: Mediating effect of psychological well-being. Journal of Organization and Management, 40(3), 213-240.
- M. Y. Lee. (2017). A phenomenological study on the job stress experienced by emotional labors : Focusing on the call center consultant. Journal of Digital Convergence, 15(9), 519-532. DOI : 10.14400/JDC.2017.15.9.519
- Y. J. Kim, J. H. Kim & G. S. Shim. (2017). The relationship among job stress, emotional labor, resilience and mental health in firefighters. Journal of the Korea Convergence Society, 8(12), 379-389. DOI : 10.15207/JKCS.2017.8.12.379
- H. J. Suh, J. S. Kim, J. O. Kim, H. S. Kim, I. Y. Cho & H. S. Kim. (2017). Effects of emotional labor, depression and self - efficacy on health promotion behavior of taxi driving workers. Journal of Digital Convergence, 15(8), 489-500. DOI : 10.14400/JDC.2017.15.8.489