Fig. 1. Site of Information Provision to the Public of Hazardous Chemicals
Fig. 2. The Informational Notice to the Public of Hazardous Chemicals
Fig. 3. Impact Zone of Alternative Scenario and Administrative Neighborhood
Fig. 4. The Informational Notice to the Public of Hazardous Chemicals with map added
Fig. 5. Mobile Application of Information Provision to the Public of Sex Offender
Table 1. Usage Status of Information Provision System
Table 2. Quantity Criteria by Accident Preparedness Chemicals
Table 3. Monthly and Yearly Number of Information Provision System Visitor
Table 4. Administrative Neighborhood and Legal-status Neighborhood in Danwon-gu, Ansan-si, Gyeonggi-do
Table 5. Current Rules and Amendments of Notification to the Public
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