Examination of Allowable Displacement by Structural Analysis of IPM Bridge

토압분리형 교량의 구조해석을 통한 허용 변위량 검토

  • Kim, Hong-Bae (Structural Safety Team of Gangwon Headquarters, Korea Expressway Corporation) ;
  • Han, Heui-Soo (Department of Civil Engineering, Kumoh Institute of Technology)
  • 김홍배 (한국도로공사 강원본부 구조물안전팀) ;
  • 한희수 (금오공과대학교 토목공학과)
  • Received : 2019.01.31
  • Accepted : 2019.04.05
  • Published : 2019.04.30


Because the pile-bent of IPM Bridge is projected from the soil surface, excessive displacement of abutment can be induced. According to design guide of IPM Bridge, the shape of the bridges used in this study was applied to the maximum applicable 120.0m span, 30-degree for skew angle, and 10.0m for the protruded pile-bent height. The maximum displacement by the maximum span application condition of the IPM Bridge was calculated using this bridge model, and the safety of a horizontal displacement of the IPM Bridge was investigated based on the allowable displacement presented by Bozozuk. The maximum horizontal displacement of the IPM Bridge was calculated to be larger in the winter shrinkage condition than in the summer expansion condition, the horizontal displacements were more affected by the length of a bridge than by the skew angle. And the vertical displacement was not affected by the skew angle and length. As the span increases, the horizontal displacement increases significantly, the horizontal displacement at 120.0m span length was found to exceed the allowable displacement proposed by Bozozuk. However, the moment generated in the pile-bent did not exceed the plastic moment.

IPM Bridge는 파일벤트가 지표면으로부터 돌출되어, 교대의 과도한 변위가 유발될 수 있다. 본 연구에 사용된 교량의 형상은 IPM Bridge의 설계지침에 제시된 최대 적용 조건인 경간 120.0m, 사각 30도, 파일벤트의 돌출높이 최대 10.0m를 적용하였다. 이 교량모델을 이용하여, IPM Bridge의 최대 경간 적용조건에 따른 최대 변위를 산정하였으며, Bozozuk가 제시한 허용 변위에 근거하여 IPM Bridge의 수평변위의 안정성을 검토하였다. IPM Bridge의 최대 수평변위는 여름철의 팽창 조건보다는 겨울철의 수축 조건에서 더 크게 산정되었으며, 수평변위는 사각보다는 교량의 길이에 더 큰 영향을 받는 것으로 나타났다. 그리고 수직 변위는 사각과 연장에 큰 영향을 받지 않는 것으로 나타났다. 경간의 증가에 따라 수평변위가 크게 증가되었으며, 연장 120.0m에서의 수평변위는 Bozozuk가 제시한 허용 변위를 초과하는 것으로 나타났다. 하지만, 파일벤트에 발생되는 모멘트가 소성모멘트를 초과하지는 않았다. IPM Bridge는 설계지침에 제시된 최대 적용조건인 파일벤트의 돌출높이 10.0m, 연장 120.0m에서는 수평변위가 과도하게 발생될 수 있으므로, 설계단계에서 면밀한 검토가 필요하다.


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Fig. 1. Schematic of IPM bridge [1];

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Fig. 2. Typical integral abutment bridge with 2-spans [9];

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Fig. 3. Moment diagram of pile-bent by thermal load[14]; (a) Horizontal displacement (b) Rotation

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Fig. 4. Allowable displacement of bridge [12]; (a)Shallow foundation, (b) Friction pile, (c)End bearing pile

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Fig. 5. 30.0m PSC girder proposed by Korea express corporation; (a) Side view, (b) Cross-section view

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Fig. 6. Structural analysis model for IPM bridge; (a) Side view, (b) Numerical model, (c) 3D model

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Fig. 7. p-y curve by Reese et al.(1974)[20]

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Fig. 8. Multi-linear spring as p-y curve

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Fig. 9. Verification on allowable displacement according to bridge length of IPM bridge at 30-degree skew; (a) Expansion (b) Contraction

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Fig. 10. Verification on the allowable displacement according to bridge skew of IPM bridge at 120.0m span length; (a) Expansion, (b) Contraction

Table 1. Abutment properties of IPM bridge for analyses

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Table 2. Maximum displacement of IPM bridge at maximum skew (30 degrees)

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Table 3. Maximum displacement of IPM bridge at maximum length of bridge(120.0m)

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