Fig. 1. Proposed M&S templates by applying MBSE
Fig. 2. Model organization
Fig. 4. Modeling of requirements
Fig. 3. Modeling of CONOPS
Fig. 5. Modeling of progress phase
Fig. 6. Functional modeling of TSPI readiness
Fig. 7. Functional modeling of flight safety judgement
Fig. 8. Functional modeling of hand over
Fig. 9. Calculation of missile position
Fig. 10. Performance modeling of LOS
Fig. 11. Performance modeling of SNR
Fig. 12. Performance modeling of link budget
Fig. 13. Simulation of RADAR LOS
Fig. 14. Simulation of RADAR SNR
Fig. 15. Updated modeling of hand over
Fig. 16. Simulation of FTS link budget
Fig. 17. Executing self destruction
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