의류제품 크로스채널 소비행동 - 타제품군과의 비교 -

Cross-channel consumption behavior of clothing product - A cross-category analysis -

  • 투고 : 2019.03.22
  • 심사 : 2019.04.25
  • 발행 : 2019.04.30


With the expansion of various distribution channels in online and offline stores, TV, and mobile, consumers now have more information search and retail selection channels to choose from than ever before. Major retailers now use multi- and omni-channel strategies. This study focused on cross-channel consumption, which involves the use of different information search and purchase channels. Using cross-channel consumption, consumers can search for information online and then make purchases offline and vice versa. The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between channel strategies and other consumer variables, and the study also assessed the effect of product type. To conduct this empirical study, the researchers developed a consumer questionnaire concerning three consumer channel strategies-on-on, cross, and off-off-and four product categories-clothing, cosmetics, books, and electronics. The results indicated that gender and marital status did not influence consumer channel strategies, but that age did have a significant influence. The analysis showed that consumers in their 40s preferred the cross channel strategy, perceiving it to be effective, satisfactory, and rewarding. Compared to other products, clothing products showed higher levels of cross channel strategies. Consumers indicated that they prefer searching for information online and then purchasing clothing offline. Overall, clothing products generated higher levels of channel satisfaction and channel switch intentions. Cross-channel clothing shoppers reported effective information retrieval times but longer delivery times.



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