A Case Study on the Changing of Awareness of Informatics Teacher's Qualification by Introduction of Capstone Design at College of Education at University

  • Kim, Dong-Man (Dept. of Computer Education, Korea National University of Education) ;
  • Lee, Tae-Wuk (Dept. of Computer Education, Korea National University of Education)
  • Received : 2019.03.13
  • Accepted : 2019.04.17
  • Published : 2019.04.30


In this paper, we propose the way to solve the problems of current college of education at university that they are running a curriculum that is insufficient for immediate application to the school. So, we analyzed the application of capstone design which is proven to be effective in various fields, and constructed a curriculum for the development of educational materials to improve the teacher's qualification in the college of education and applied them to the preliminary informatics teachers. As a result, we confirmed that the development class of educational materials based on capstone design is positive for the change of awareness about informatics teacher's qualification, and also confirmed that the students' satisfaction level about class is higher. Based on the results, we discussed the effects of applying capstone design to the college of education. The conclusions are as follows: First, it helps students to improve the teacher's qualification. Second, it is a curriculum that can fill the shortage of student teaching. Third, the curriculum is an effective curriculum for the recognition of the student who is in charge of evaluation, and the teacher who is in charge of the evaluation. Fourth, Capstone design information textbook study class is a method of greatly improving class satisfaction compared to lecture class.


Table 1. Capstone design course for educational materials development

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Table 2. Eligibility criteria by display subjects at subject matter education area about Informatics and computer teacher’s qualification

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Table 3. CVR minimum value according to expert response count

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Table 4. Content area of research tool

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Table 5. Research tool content of satisfaction by capstone design

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Table 6. Changing awareness of informatics teacher’s qualification

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Table 7. Changing academic awareness of general informatics education

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Table 8. Awareness of understanding, modification and application of informatics curriculum

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Table 9. Changing awareness of the choice of educational methods appropriate to achieving the education objectives

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Table 10. Changing awareness of general teaching and learning

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Table 11. Changing awareness of Educational Assessment

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Table 12. Changing awareness of the reconstruction of education contents and utilization of educational tools

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Table 13. Satisfaction survey by capstone design

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Table 14. Satisfaction with performance process by capstone design

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Table 15. Satisfaction with course operation by capstone design

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Table 16. Satisfaction with learning outcomes by capstone design

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