Fig. 1. The first layer of Retrieved Temperature Profile of the MYD07L2 data. This MODIS image contains the observation at 05:55 on July 19 in 2017.
Fig. 2. The flow chart of readGDAL_HDF function.
Fig. 3. The flow chart of the R script implementedto measure the execution time for thereadGDAL HDF function.
Fig. 4. The wall clock time to read 2-D variables contained within a MOD07 product data file in HDF using the readGDAL_HDF tool. The tool was built linking agianst the GDAL compiled under different operating systems, distribution package, compilers, and configuration. ubuntu and suse indicate Ubuntu and OpenSUSE operating systems, respectively. gcc and icc represent GNU and Inter compilers, respectively. Deb and rpm represent the GDAL package distributed by Ubuntu and OpenSUSE, respectively. nohdf4 denotes the --with-hdf4=no option for the compiler.
Fig. 5. The wall clock time to read 3-D variables contained within a MOD07 product data file in HDF using the readGDAL_HDF tool. The tool was built linking agianst the GDAL compiled under different operating systems, distribution package, compilers, and configuration. ubuntu and suse indicate Ubuntu and OpenSUSE operating systems, respectively. gcc and icc represent GNU and Inter compilers, respectively. Deb and rpm represent the GDAL package distributed by Ubuntu and OpenSUSE, respectively. nohdf4 denotes the --with-hdf4=no option for the compiler.
Table 1. The metadata of variables contained in the MOD07 product for measurement of the processing time using the GDAL
Table 2. The environment and configuration under which the GDAL was built or installed to process a remote sensing data file in HDF
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