Fig. 1 The structure of the proposed WLAN/WiMAX antenna
Fig. 2 Return loss characteristic of the effect of the L8.
Fig. 3 Return loss characteristic according to the with and without stub of the rectangular ring structure
Fig. 4 Return loss characteristic according to the with and without slit in the ground.
Fig. 5 Return loss characteristic according to the with and without rectangular patch
Fig. 6 The surface current density of proposed antenna (a) 2.515 GHz, (b) 3.46 GHz, and (c) 5.155 GHz.
Fig. 8 The simulated and measured return loss results
Fig. 9 3D radiation pattern of 2.4 GHz
Fig. 11 3D radiation pattern of 5.35 GHz
Fig. 12 3D radiation pattern of 5.75 GHz
Fig. 13 Measured peak gains of the designed antenna
Fig. 10 3D radiation pattern of 3.6 GHz
Table. 1 Results of simulation : L8
Table. 2 Results of simulation with/without stub
Table. 3 Results of simulation with/without slit
Table. 4 Results of simulation with/without rectangular patch
Table. 5 Parameters of proposed antenna
Fig. 7 Fabricated of propose antenna (a) Front view, (b) Back view.
Table. 7 Results of measured gain
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