Fig. 1 Schematic design of a general FCM
Fig. 2 Types of light scattering from a single cell.
Fig. 3 Calcein AM spectra (top) and fluorescence image of calcein AM-stained HeLa cells (bottom)
Fig. 4 Proposed fluorescence detection system. Constant current module (left), main module (middle) and display module (right)
Fig. 5 Proposed constant current module (top) and its design (bottom)
Fig. 6 Schematic design of the main module
Fig. 7 Optical filter booklet (top) and selected excitation with emission filters (bottom)
Fig. 8 The experimental results of the emitted light intensities of unstained (control) and stained HeLa cells with different photodiode sensitivities and various filter sets. (a) No excitation filter with #389 emission filter, (b) #74 excitation filter with #389 emission filter, (c) #369 excitation filter with #389 emission filter
Table. 1 Total cost of proposed system
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