Fig. 1. Location of the 15 sampling stations in the coastal waters of the Taeanhaean National Park
Fig. 2. Interannual variations in the accumulated annual frequency points (3 points for the first dominant species, 2 point for the second, and 1 point for the third in a season) for the three groups such as diatoms, dinoflagellates and others at the coastal waters of the Taeanhaean National Park for the first 10 years following the 2007 HSOS (Hebei Spirit Oil Spill)
Fig. 3. Abundance based percent dominance of top 3−6 dominant phytoplankton species in each seasonal cruise covering 15 stations at the coastal waters of the Taeanhaean National Park in 2015
Fig. 4. Relative composition of diatom groups (blue bar) and phototrophic flagellate groups (green bar) in terms of summer-averaged cell abundances from microscopic cell counts at the coastal waters of the Taeanhaean National Park for the first 11 years following the 2007 HSOS (Hebei Spirit Oil Spill). Pink arrows indicate the years with cryptophyte and raphidophytes as the top dominants while green arrows indicate the years with two thecate dinoflagellates species, Tripos fusus and Tripos furca as top dominant flagellates
Fig. 5. Relative composition of diatom groups (blue bar) and dinoflagellate groups (brown bar) in terms of summer-averaged cell abundances from microscopic cell counts at the coastal waters of the Taeanhaean National Park for the first 11 years following the 2007 HSOS (Hebei Spirit Oil Spill). Pink triangle in the left side (for the year 2008−2010) represent the portion occupied by the sum of cryptophyte and raphidophytes. Yellow arrow emphasizes the “second” predominance by the two thecate dinoflagellates species, Tripos fusus and Tripos furca. following the same “first peak” in 2012
Table 1. Sample-averaged total phytoplankton abundance in 30 samples from each cruise covering 15 stations at the coastal waters of the Taeanhaean National Park for the first 10 years following the 2007 HSOS (Hebei Spirit Oil Spill)
Table 2. Top three dominant phytoplankton species based on sample-averaged total abundance in each cruise covering 15 stations at the coastal waters of the Taeanhaean National Park for the first 11 years following the 2007 HSOS (Hebei Spirit Oil Spill)
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