Table 1. Sample of nonconformity with Hangeul Pronunciation Naming in Name of Pure Korean
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- H. H. Han, "A Study on King Sejong's Affection for the People", MA. Thesis, Sungkyunkwan University, pp. 28-58, 2017.
- A. H. Han, "A Study on the Beauty of Calligraphy with Hunminjeongeum and Yongbiocheonga", MA. Thesis Kyunggi University, pp. 20-22, 2009.
- S. H. Lee, "A Study on the Purpose of Invention of Hunminjeongeum -Focused on Legal Procedures in Preface of Hunminjeongeum Haerye", MA. Thesis, Myongji University, pp. 17-22, 2016.
- S. B. Kim, "An Oriental Philosophical Study on the Theory of Creation of Hunminjeongeum", MA. Thesis, Chungnam National University, pp. 20-38, 2003.
- S. Y. Han, "A Study on the Aspect of Transfiguration in the Court Style of Hangul", Ph. D. Thesis, Wonkwang University, p. 8, 2014.
- J. W. Ban, "The Reason of Difference with the Order of Arrangement of Consonant and Vowel in Hunminjeongeum", Journal of the Culture & Arts Institute in Dongbang Culture University, Vol.3, p. 137, 2014.
- H. S. Ku, "A Study on Hunminjeongeum and the Five Elements of Pronunciation in Naming Technique", MA. Thesis, Daegu Haany University, p. 15, 2017.
- J. A. No, "A Study on Nationalistic Literary History of Inventing Hunminjeongeum", MA. Thesis, Chung-Ang University, p. 32, 2013.
- M. T. Kim, "The Vestigaes of Japanese Naming-ology Propagated in the Period of Name Changing Program by Japan ", Journal of the Institute for East Asian Cultures in Hanyang University, Vol.57, pp. 131-160, 2014. DOI:
- S. Y. Shin, "The study for the Naming theory on Study of the Name", MA. Thesis, Kyunggi University, p. 71, 2012.
- S. Y. Shin, "The study for the Naming theory on Study of the Name", MA. Thesis Kyunggi University, p. 82, 2012.
- M. J. Chang, "A study of vowel epenthesis in English pronunciation by high school students". Secondary English Education, Vol.1(2), pp. 81-94. 2008.
- M. T. Kim, "A Study on the Naming Requirements of Modern Korean Society", Journal of the Korean Folklore Society, Vol.62, p. 293, 2015.
- K. S. Kim, "Scientific Myongri", p. 280, Dasangeulbang, 2009.
- Y. J. Choi, "A Study on Korean typographic expression focused on the structure which is similar to molecular system", MA. Thesis, Ewha Womans University, p. 4, 2009.
- T. Shimbo, "A Study on Internal Structure of Korean Consonants and Phonological Phenomenon-Element Theory", Ph. D. Thesis, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, p. 20, 2016.
- K. S. Kim, "Naming Theory with JawonOhang", pp. 5-6, Dasangeulbang, 2017.
- S. J. Choi, "The phonological activation in Korean word and non-word recognition: Evidence from Event-related potential", MA. Thesis, Ewha Womans University, p. 5, 2016.
- K. S. Kim, .J. H. Lee, "Dictionary of English Naming for Korean", p. 44, Dasangeulbang, 2015.
- K. S. Kim, .J. H. Lee, "Dictionary of English Naming for Korean", p. 44, Dasangeulbang, 2015.
- M. Y. Man, (compiled by J. A. Kim), "Sammyungtonghweijeokyo(三命通會摘要)", p. 22, MoonwonBook, 2017.
- S. M. Park, "A Study of Names: it's Theories and Problems", MA. Thesis, Kongju National University, p. 36, 2005.
- G. Jeon, "Textbook of Our Names", p. 180, Donghaksa, 2007.
- K. S. Kim.S. C. Lee, "History and principles of Yin and Yang Five", pp. 185-186, Dasangeulbang, 2017.