Fig. 1. A Manufacturing Service of the CMfg CPS
Fig. 2. Overview of CPS Framework
Fig. 3. Concern List of Each Aspect in CPS Framework
Fig. 4. Relationship of the Cmfg Cps User Requirements and System Requirements
Fig. 5. Relationship of the CMfg CPS and oneM2M Requirements
Fig. 6. System Configuration of CMfg Testbed
Fig. 7. Network Configuration of CMfg Testbed
Fig. 8. Operation structure of the Test Case Applications
Fig. 9. Test Sequence Diagram of Each Test Case
Fig. 10. A Reference Model for the CMfg CPS Platform
Table 1. Feature Comparison of IoT Platforms
Table 2. Representative User Requirements of the CMfg CPS
Table 3 System requirements of the CMfg CPS
Table 4. Experimental Results
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