• Received : 2018.04.05
  • Accepted : 2018.09.17
  • Published : 2019.03.31


Let R be a ring with unity. Given modules $M_R$ and $_RN$, $M_R$ is said to be absolutely $_RN$-pure if $M{\otimes}N{\rightarrow}L{\otimes}N$ is a monomorphism for every extension $L_R$ of $M_R$. For a module $M_R$, the subpurity domain of $M_R$ is defined to be the collection of all modules $_RN$ such that $M_R$ is absolutely $_RN$-pure. Clearly $M_R$ is absolutely $_RF$-pure for every flat module $_RF$, and that $M_R$ is FP-injective if the subpurity domain of M is the entire class of left modules. As an opposite of FP-injective modules, $M_R$ is said to be a test for flatness by subpurity (or t.f.b.s. for short) if its subpurity domain is as small as possible, namely, consisting of exactly the flat left modules. Every ring has a right t.f.b.s. module. $R_R$ is t.f.b.s. and every finitely generated right ideal is finitely presented if and only if R is right semihereditary. A domain R is $Pr{\ddot{u}}fer$ if and only if R is t.f.b.s. The rings whose simple right modules are t.f.b.s. or injective are completely characterized. Some necessary conditions for the rings whose right modules are t.f.b.s. or injective are obtained.



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