Classification of Place for Experiential Learning through Analysis of Previous Study and Actual Status of Elementary Schools in Gyeonggi-do about Science Experience Learning

과학체험학습에 관한 선행연구 및 경기도 지역 초등학교 운영실태 분석을 통한 다양한 과학체험학습장의 활용방안 모색

  • Received : 2018.11.23
  • Accepted : 2019.01.07
  • Published : 2019.02.28


In order to organize various places for science experience study, this study gathered and analyzed prior research on science experience study and various science experience perated in school. To that end, a total of 162 relevant prior studies of literature published from 2000 to 2016 were collected and 2,201 cases of science experience study conducted in 2015 were collected and analyzed. The place where the science experiential learning was done is divided into three areas of natural ecology, cultural history, facility experiential learning study, and the characteristics of participating subjects are examined. In terms of the number of articles published in the field of science-related experiential learning areas, 83 ecological experience study sites (51.2%), facilities institution experience study sites 56 (34.6%), and cultural history experience study books 23 (14.2%). Through this study, it was found out that research tendency to analyze science - related attitudes became prominent by setting study subjects using natural objects around and learning to play while playing and playing in nature. There was also an analysis by subjects of participation in science related experience learning centers. Cultural history experiential learning field was significantly lower than previous studies. In the lower grades, nature ecological experience learning was mainly performed. Combining the above findings, it can provide implications for the development of science-related experience activities. First, it is necessary to develop a technology-related experience learning center using local community resources. Second, it is necessary to expand the culture and history experience learning center related to science. Third, we need an education support center to support the expansion and operation of such a technology-related cultural history learning center.


Table 1. The criterion for analyzing prior research

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Table 2. Classification of science experience place

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Table 3. The criterion for analyzing science experience learning in school

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Table 4. Analysis results by area of science experience place in prior research

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Table 5. Analysis results by participant of science experience place in prior research

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Table 6. Analysis results by participant of science experience place in school

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