UWB 레이더를 사용한 호흡 및 심박 감지 알고리즘

Respiration and Heartbeat detection algorithm using UWB radar

  • 투고 : 2018.11.06
  • 심사 : 2018.11.17
  • 발행 : 2019.01.31


UWB(Ultra-wideband)는 송신 안테나에서 UWB 대역을 송신한 신호를 수신 안테나를 통해 받은 신호를 가지고 목표물을 판단하는 고해상도 근거리 초광대역 레이더로 비접촉으로 사람의 호흡 및 심박을 감지할 수 있고, 환경에 영향을 받지 않아 최근 활용도가 높아지고 있다. 본 논문에서는 UWB 레이더 신호를 이용하여 사람의 호흡과 심박수를 감지하는 알고리즘을 구현한다. 인체에서부터 반사되어 들어온 레이더 신호를 메디안 필터, 칼만 필터, 밴드 패스필터 등을 이용하여 처리한다. 또한 호흡수와 심박수를 추출하기 위하여 CZT를 이용한다. 비교하는 심박 데이터로는 ECG(Electrocardiogram)를 사용하였으며, 약 98% 이상 일치함을 확인하였다.

Ultra Wideband (UWB) Radar is a high-resolution radar for short distance detection which uses signals transmitted and received by each antennas in order to detect a target. It is possible to detect the respiration and heartbeat of a person without contact It is getting more and more often utilized since it is not affected by physical environment. In this paper, we implement an algorithm to detect human respiration and heartbeat rate using UWB radar signal. We process radar signals reflected from human body using Median filter, Kalman filter, Band Pass filter and so on. We also use CZT to extract breathing and heart rate. ECG (Electrocardiogram) was used for comparison of heartbeat data and we confirm that each data of ECG and UWB Radar were more than 98% identical each other.


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Fig. 1 Configuration diagram of UWB biometric detection algorithm

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Fig. 2 Median and Kalman Filter

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Fig. 3 Band Pass Filter

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Fig. 4 Running average Filter

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Fig. 5 A part that extracts a section for predicting motion

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Fig. 6 A part that Respiratory rate check

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Fig. 7 Comparison of FFT and CZT(Respiratory rate)

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Fig. 8 Comparison of FFT and CZT(Heart rate)

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Fig. 9 A part that Heart rate check

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Fig. 10 Exponential moving average filter

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Fig. 11 Test results of Respiratory rate

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Fig. 12 Test results of heart rate


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