비전공자 컴퓨터교육과 학습보조 자료의 활용

Computer Science Education and Use of Learning Materials

  • 투고 : 2019.10.22
  • 심사 : 2019.10.22
  • 발행 : 2019.11.30


In the last few years, interest in computer science education has increased significantly. The curriculum is being revised to introduce computer science. Although interest has focused on coding as the main subject, in fact the computer science includes much more than coding. It engages people in being creative with technology as well as understanding the fundamental principles of computer science. Therefore, it is important to consider the curriculum to provide a foundation by teaching and learning computer science. The curriculum is required the development of courses to teach computer science for non-majors in general education. To think like a computer scientist on the knowledge of computer science is computational thinking. In order to maximize the effectiveness of teaching and learning for computational thinking, various teaching methods and supplementary learning materials, and activities should be developed and provided.



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