An Automated Adaptive Finite Element Mesh Generation for Dynamics

  • 투고 : 2018.12.13
  • 심사 : 2018.12.18
  • 발행 : 2019.01.01


Structural analysis remains as an essential part of any integrated civil engineering system in today's rapidly changing computing environment. Even with enormous advancements in capabilities of computers and mobile tools, enhancing computational efficiency of algorithms is necessary to meet the changing demands for quick real time response systems. The finite element method is still the most widely used method of computational structural analysis; a robust, reliable and automated finite element structural analysis module is essential in a modern integrated structural engineering system. To be a part of an automated finite element structural analysis, an efficient adaptive mesh generation scheme based on R-H refinement for the mesh and error estimates from representative strain values at Gauss points is described. A coefficient that depends on the shape of element is used to correct overly distorted elements. Two simple case studies show the validity and computational efficiency. The scheme is appropriate for nonlinear and dynamic problems in earthquake engineering which generally require a huge number of iterative computations.



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