Design and Implementation of NUI-based Athletic Scene Generation System

  • Choi, Jong-In (School of Digital Culture & Contents, Youngsan University)
  • Received : 2018.10.25
  • Accepted : 2018.12.17
  • Published : 2019.01.31


In this paper, we propose a system and an intuitive interface that can create an athletic scene among athletes. We allow you to enter motion as if you were playing a game, so that the user's action becomes the player's action. The user can take various actions in front of the motion sensor and control the object flying to him. When a user specifies an opponent to pass or attack, and takes appropriate action in front of the motion sensor, the movement trajectory of the object is automatically generated by the physical optimization technique in accordance with the motion. In this way, you can create scenes where multiple players play together in a virtual environment. The method of this paper will be very useful for rapid prototyping for cinematic trailers of based on athletics games or animations.


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Fig. 1. System Overview

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Fig. 2. Used Hit Motions.

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Fig. 3. Representative Frames and Motion Vectors of a Hit Clip

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Fig. 4. Hit Clip Connection

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Fig. 5. Object Trajectory Generation

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Fig. 6. Input User’s Hit Motion

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Fig. 7 Generated Athletic Scene (2 on 2)


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