Pest Control System using Deep Learning Image Classification Method

  • Moon, Backsan (Graduate School of Computer Science, Dankook University) ;
  • Kim, Daewon (Department of Applied Computer Engineering, Dankook University)
  • Received : 2018.09.28
  • Accepted : 2018.12.10
  • Published : 2019.01.31


In this paper, we propose a layer structure of a pest image classifier model using CNN (Convolutional Neural Network) and background removal image processing algorithm for improving classification accuracy in order to build a smart monitoring system for pine wilt pest control. In this study, we have constructed and trained a CNN classifier model by collecting image data of pine wilt pest mediators, and experimented to verify the classification accuracy of the model and the effect of the proposed classification algorithm. Experimental results showed that the proposed method successfully detected and preprocessed the region of the object accurately for all the test images, resulting in showing classification accuracy of about 98.91%. This study shows that the layer structure of the proposed CNN classifier model classified the targeted pest image effectively in various environments. In the field test using the Smart Trap for capturing the pine wilt pest mediators, the proposed classification algorithm is effective in the real environment, showing a classification accuracy of 88.25%, which is improved by about 8.12% according to whether the image cropping preprocessing is performed. Ultimately, we will proceed with procedures to apply the techniques and verify the functionality to field tests on various sites.


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Fig. 1. Pheromone trap for pine-wilt disease control[2]

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Fig. 2. Smart trap for pine-wilt disease control

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Fig. 3. Smart trap’s magnified lower detail

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Fig. 4. Operation diagram of the Smart trap

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Fig. 5. H/W parts used in Smart trap

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Fig. 6. Operation flowchart of the Smart trap

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Fig. 7. Process of the classification for pest monitoring

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Fig. 8. Erosion operation using insect image

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Fig. 9. Dilation operation using insect image

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Fig. 10. Classification accuracy change according to change of learning frequency

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Fig. 11. Experimental image data ((a) Monochamus saltuarius, (b) General insects, (c) Leaves, etc.)

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Fig. 12. Result of background removal ((a),(d):Foreground image, (b),(e): Background image, (c),(f):Separated binary image)

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Fig. 13. Results of noise removal through morphological transformation ((a),(b): Result of two consecutive dilations, (c)(d): Result of two consecutive erosions, (e)(f): Result of two consecutive erosions, (g)(h): Result of two consecutive dilations

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Fig. 14. Result of subject area extraction algorithm ((a) Noise removal image, (b) Rectangle area information extraction, (c) Cropped original image)

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Fig. 15. Results of pre-processed images taken in field test ((a) Pine wilt insect image, (b) Background image of (a), (c) Cropped image from (a), (d) General insect image, (e) Background image of (d), (f) Cropped image from (d))

Table 1. Foreground and background pixel separation algorithm

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Table 2. Algorithm to find the region of an object from a binary image

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Table 3. CNN Learning and Classifier Model Structure

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Table 4. Acquired experimental data-set

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Table 5. Classification accuracy evaluation according to various experiment groups

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Table 6. Classification accuracy evaluation after cropping the subject area

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Table 7. Comparison of classification accuracy before and after cropping the subject area

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Table 8. Comparison of classification accuracy among the proposed method, k-NN and SVM.

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