디지털 사회 혁신에서 리빙랩 프로젝트의 성과지표에 대한 연구

A Performance Indicators of Living Lab Project in the Digital Social Innovation

  • 이재혁 (연세대학교 정보대학원 정보시스템학) ;
  • 이정훈 (연세대학교 정보대학원) ;
  • 조경환 (대구테크노파크 모바일융합센터)
  • 투고 : 2019.05.07
  • 심사 : 2019.10.11
  • 발행 : 2019.12.31


In recent years, Digital Social Innovation has been emerging at home and abroad and new solutions are being proposed by the perspective of User using digital technology in order to solve social and economic problems of the city. In addition, Living Labs which is an innovative tools and space enable to solve problems doing activities with various participants led by users. Therefore, this study aims to systematically manage the activities of Living Lab in Digital Social Innovation and improves the Living Lab sustainability using the performance indicators which are going to be developed. Furthermore, construct the appropriate indicator of each project process and take test at real Living Labs. As a result, performance indicator was derived from each procedure in the Living Lab project, and proved validity and reliability of the indicators through qualitative and quantitative methods by interviews and the questionnaire from the participants of Living Labs.



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