The Design and Implementation of Dog Loss Prevention Device Combining Wireless Communication and GPS Technology

  • Kwak, Ho-Young (Department of Computer Engineering, Jeju National University) ;
  • Chang, Jin-Wook (HRG Incorporated.) ;
  • Huh, Jisoon (Department of Neurosurgery, School of medicine, Jeju National University)
  • Received : 2019.01.14
  • Accepted : 2019.02.18
  • Published : 2019.02.28


Recently, as the number of families raising dogs has increased, cases of lost dogs have frequently occurred. According to US statistics, 5% of the total dogs are reported to be alive, with only 18% reporting to their owners. Therefore, a device for preventing the loss of dogs is needed, and the demand for the market is rapidly growing. Therefore, it is necessary to develop a lost device for dogs. In this paper, we developed a loss prevention device that combines low-power broadband wireless communication technology, LoRa communication method, and GPS positioning technology. The result of this study is expected to prevent the loss of dogs. It is also expected that social problems will reduce the problem of lost dogs.


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Fig. 1. System configuration diagram

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Fig. 2. Construction diagram of wearable device

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Fig. 3. Construction diagram of wearable device

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Fig. 4. A design of charging circuit and LDO circuit

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Fig. 5. UART interface and U-Blox 6M module circuit

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Fig. 6. Artwork for wearable tracker's PCB

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Fig. 7. The implemented wearable tracker

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Fig. 8. The specification of wearable tracker package

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Fig. 9. Module configuration diagram of embedded program

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Fig. 10. GPS signal measurement locations within the Campus

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Fig. 11. The Examples of results of measurement experiments

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Fig. 12. Tracking the location of the dog

Table 1. The status of lost companion animals

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Table 2. Companion animal site tracking market growth

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Table 3. Analysis of existing products

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Table 4. The Results of GPS signal measurements

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