An Iterative CRT Based Image Watermarking on DCT Domain

  • Received : 2019.01.08
  • Accepted : 2019.02.18
  • Published : 2019.02.28


Digital image watermarking techniques have been studied in various fields in order to protect the copyright of multimedia contents mostly composed by images. JPEG compression is a representative copyright attack for image watermarking. The CRT-based watermarking methods in DCT domain have been studied, because these are robust for JPEG compression attack. In this paper, we propose a new method with improved performance compared with the existing CRT based methods in DCT domain. The proposed method selects the DCT block according to the denseness at the watermark insertion phase, and iteratively adjust the CRT Conditional coefficients at the watermark extraction. This paper shows that it is more robust for the JPEG compression attacks through experimental results.


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Fig. 1. Watermark Embedding Procedure Method-2

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Fig. 2. 8x8 DCT Blocks

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Fig. 3. Proposed Watermark Embedding Scheme

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Fig. 4. 8x8 DCT Block Density

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Fig. 5. Extract Procedure in the Proposed Scheme

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Fig. 6. Watermark Embedding Procedure

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Fig. 8. Proposed Watermarking Procedure at QF 70[%]

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Fig. 7. Test Images. (a) Lena (b) Baboon (c) Airplane

Table 1. Comparison of Computation Time Complexity

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Table 2. Comparison of PSNR and TAF when JPEG Compression Attack and No Attack

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Table 3. TAF Identification and Performance Comparison for Step-By-Step JPEG Compression

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