Filtration Efficiency of Electrically Charged Air Filters by a Corona Method

  • Received : 2019.03.25
  • Accepted : 2019.03.26
  • Published : 2019.03.31


The influences of corona charging parameters on collection efficiency and surface potential of air filters were investigated. A polypropylene filter medium was electrically charged using a corona charger, and the resulting surface potential and filtration efficiency against neutralized KCl particles were measured. The filter media was charged under different conditions of applied voltage, voltage polarity, charging time, and distance between electrodes. In addition, we considered charging both sides of the filter as well as charging one side of the filter. As a result, electrical force obtained by charged fiber affected filtration efficiency when the apply voltage strength was higher than 7 kV. Negatively charged filter had higher filtration efficiency than positively charged filter while the surface potential of the negatively charged filter was slightly lower than those of positively charged filter. Moreover, the filtration efficiency increased as the charging time of filter fiber increased and the distance between electrodes decreased. The filtration efficiency was more sensitive to changes of charging time than to those of electrode distance, and the efficiency of both sides charged filter was higher than that of single side charged filter.


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Fig. 1. SEM images of the filter sample.

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Fig. 2. Schematic of filter charging system.

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Fig. 3. Experimental setup for filtration test.

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Fig. 5. Overall filtration efficiency with (a) various charging time and (b) various electrode distance.

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Fig. 6. Charging effectiveness and increasing rates of surface potentials (a) by charging time and (b) by electrode distance.

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Fig. 4. (a) Size distribution of inlet particles and partial filtration efficiency of fabricated electret filters at 3 cm/s of filtration velocity, and (b) the efficiency under various filtration velocities when applied voltage, charging time, and charging distance were of -10 kV, 5 minutes, and 15 mm, respectively.

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Fig. 7. (a) Overall filtration efficiency for single-side and both-side charged electret filters and (b) partial filtration efficiency for each particle size when filtration velocity is 5 cm/s.

Table 1. Experimental condition

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