A four-year old, indoor-living neutered male Old English Bulldog was presented for generalized ulcerative dermatitis. Generalized alopecia and multifocal papules and ulcers with crusting were observed mainly in the dorsal trunk. Cytology of the skin lesions revealed a pyogranulomatous inflammation comprising macrophages and nondegenerate neutrophils. Histopathology also revealed a nodular dermatitis characterized by mixed infiltration of monocytes and neutrophils involving the superficial and deep dermis. Neither of bacteria nor fungus was identified in microscopic exam and culture. From those findings, a diagnosis of cutaneous sterile pyogranuloma/granuloma syndrome (SPGS) was made. Treatment with immunosuppressive drugs of prednisone and cyclosporine was performed and visible ulcerative skin lesions were resolved after 4 weeks of initiation of therapy. Treatment with combination of cyclosporine and prednisone may be effective for the case of SPGS.