부모의 양육유형이 사교육비지출과 자녀의 학업성적에 미치는 영향: 사교육비지출의 매개효과를 중심으로

The Effect of Parenting Styles on Private Educational Expenditure and Academic Performance of Children: Focusing on Mediation Effect of Private Educational Expenditure

  • 이성림 (성균관대학교 소비자가족학과)
  • Lee, Seonglim (Department of Consumer & Family Sciences, Sungkyunkwan University)
  • 투고 : 2018.08.20
  • 심사 : 2018.10.04
  • 발행 : 2018.10.30


Using a sample of third grade middle school students from the forth wave of Children and Youth Panel Survey in 2012, the mediation effects of private educational expenditure between parenting styles and children's academic performance were investigated by applying factor, cluster, tobit, and two stage regression analysis. The major results were as follows. First, four types of parenting style were identified. The most frequent parenting style was ambivalent parenting (tiger parenting) which was followed by authoritative parenting. Second, compared to permissive parenting style, ambivalent, authoritative, and authoritarian parenting styles were significantly associated with more private educational expenditures. Third, more private educational expenditures were significantly associated with higher academic performance of children. I found both a full mediation effect of private educational expenditure for ambivalent and authoritarian parenting styles, and a partial mediation effect for authoritative parents. Authoritative parenting style has a negative moderating effect on the relationship between household income and private educational expenditure, along with a positive direct effect on the academic performance of children. The results suggested that an authoritative parenting style was related with higher academic performance of children with less private educational expenditures compared to other parenting styles. The results also implied that the public policies to enhance authoritative parenting style among parents would be effective to reduce household's private educational expenditures.



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피인용 문헌

  1. 아버지 우울 변화 양상에 따른 양육행동 및 자녀의 문제행동, 학교적응 차이 비교 vol.21, pp.4, 2018,