Feasible monitoring of the inhibitory effects of free NH3 on NO2- oxidation

  • Yoo, Byeong-Hak (Research Division for Industry & Environment, Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute) ;
  • Lee, Sang-hun (Department of Environmental Science, Keimyung University)
  • 투고 : 2018.03.24
  • 심사 : 2018.06.20
  • 발행 : 2018.11.30


This study investigated nitrite ($NO_2{^-}$) accumulation due to FA (Free Ammonia: $NH_3$) inhibition in an anaerobic-aerobic-anoxic (AOA) process reactor to mainly treat wastewater containing 302-610 mg/L of $NH_3/NH_4{^+}-N$. Based on an experimental operation focusing on the nitrification, it was observed that $NO_2{^-}$ was accumulated in the aerobic nitrification zone as pH increased, due to inhibition of $NO_2{^-}$ conversion to $NO_3{^-}$ by FA. This result implied FA inhibition to NOB ($NO_2{^-}$-Oxidizing Bacteria) for converting $NO_2{^-}$ to $NO_3{^-}$. The objective of this study is to develop a feasible monitoring procedure for early detection of the FA inhibition toward $NO_2{^-}$ accumulation and poor nitrification. Thus, in order to rapidly assess FA concentrations, an $NH_3$ probe was utilized to measure $NH_3$ concentrations together with applying a simple model prediction using the measured $NH_4{^+}$ concentrations, the Henry's law constant of $NH_3$ and measured pH. The predictive model $NH_3$ levels were verified by a good correlation (89%) with the corresponding measured data, but the model prediction underestimated FA concentrations at less than 7.4 and a little overestimated at pH above 7.5. Interestingly, accumulated $NO_2{^-}$ levels were roughly correlated with FA levels that were observed at delayed time points. This reflects the detected FA levels can be good indicators of $NO_2{^-}$ levels with some delayed time. $NO_2{^-}$ accumulation started at measured FA concentrations of higher than approximately 3 mg/L and ceased below that FA level.



연구 과제 주관 기관 : National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF)


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