Nacelle-Mounted Lidar Beam Line of Sight (LOS) Wind Speed Calibration Procedure Using Meteorological Mast

기상탑을 이용한 나셀 거치형 라이다 빔의 LOS(Line of Sight) 풍속 교정절차

  • 유동훈 (한국산업기술시험원 공업물리표준센터) ;
  • 이민수 (한국산업기술시험원 공업물리표준센터) ;
  • 임채욱 (한국산업기술시험원 공업물리표준센터) ;
  • 고경남 (제주대학교 대학원 풍력공학부) ;
  • 신동헌 (제주대학교 대학원 풍력공학부) ;
  • 강보신 (제주에너지공사 에너지연구기술센터) ;
  • 김동완 (제주에너지공사 에너지연구기술센터)
  • Received : 2018.11.10
  • Accepted : 2018.11.27
  • Published : 2018.12.31


Wind lidar application is increasing and its calibration method is required to use wind lidar as an alternative to the meteorological mast. A nacelle lidar calibration method is now being discussed in IEC 61400-50-3 (Wind energy generation systems - Part 50-3: Use of nacelle-mounted lidars for wind measurements), and the method is mainly based on the wind lidar beam line of sight (LOS) wind speed calibration suggested by DTU as DTU E-0020 (Calibrating Nacelle Lidars). In this paper, a LOS wind speed calibration method is introduced and a calibration example performed on Jeju island is presented. The results showed a slope of 1.011 and R2 of 0.997, which means that the LOS wind speed is highly correlated with the reference wind speed and is comparable. But LOS wind speed calibration requires a very long time due to its principle and environmental conditions, and a calibration method that can overcome this problem of uncontrollable environments needs to be developed.



Grant : 나셀 라이다를 이용한 풍력발전설비 및 풍력단지 출력성능측정 기술개발

Supported by : 한국에너지기술평가원 (KETEP)


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