Islanding Detection Method for Inverter-Based Distributed Generation through Injection of Second Order Harmonic Current

  • Received : 2017.04.17
  • Accepted : 2017.08.28
  • Published : 2018.09.20


This paper proposes a new islanding detection method for inverter-based distributed generators by continuously injecting a negligible amount of 2nd order harmonic current. The proposed method adopts a proportional resonant (PR) controller for the output current control of the inverter, and a PR filter to extract the 2nd order harmonic voltage at the point of common coupling (PCC). The islanding state can be detected by measuring the magnitude ratio of the 2nd order harmonic voltage to the fundamental voltage at the PCC by injecting a 2nd order harmonic current with a 0.8% magnitude. The proposed method provides accurate and fast detection under grid voltage unbalance and load unbalance. The operation of the proposed method has been verified through simulations and experiments with a 5kW hardware set-up, considering the islanding test circuit suggested in UL1741.



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