Electrospray technique for preparation of core-shell materials : A mini-review

  • 투고 : 2018.06.26
  • 심사 : 2018.07.12
  • 발행 : 2018.09.30


During the last decade, electrospray (ES) techniques have been used as potential methods for preparing of core-shell materials. Depending on the architecture of nozzle and design of devices, the ES techniques includes monoaxial, coaxial, multiple coaxial nozzle ES and microfluidic ES devices. ES operates based on a basic principle, in which a spray of monodisperse droplets is formed by dispensing an electrically conductive liquid through a capillary charged to a sufficiently high potential. In review of many recent research papers, we take a closer look at ES techniques and their applications for fabrication of core-shell materials. Several advantages of ES technique compared with other methods were emphasized and it may be regarded as a potential tool for fabrication of core-shell materials current and near future.



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