Dominant Design Technology Strategy Based on Open Innovation : High Skewed Propeller(HSP) Design and Production System of Hyundai Heavy Industries Co.

개방형 기술혁신 기반의 지배적 디자인 기술개발 및 확보 전략 : 현대중공업의 HSP(High Skewed Propeller) 설계 및 생산 시스템

  • Ahn, Yeon S. (Dept. of Business, Business College, Gachon University) ;
  • Kim, Wha Young (Industry-Academy Cooperation Group, Gachon University)
  • Received : 2018.03.25
  • Accepted : 2018.03.28
  • Published : 2018.03.31


This study presents a research model that demonstrates the dominant design technology strategy for developing and securing dominant design technology based on open innovation. For this purpose, this study developed a strategic model for the development and acquisition of design technology, production technology, and production system of propeller which satisfies the requirements of ship propulsion system required by ship owners and shipbuilders. By studying large propellers for ships, it is possible to embody a strategic model that can be used as a technology development strategy of dominant design that is effective in technology field of other industries. In this study, HSP (High Skewed Propeller) strategy of Hyundai Heavy Industries, which occupies the largest global market share (47.5%, 2007) for more than 30 years until now, is analyzed as a successful case to verify this strategic model. The development and acquisition strategy model of dominant design technology presented in this study consists of four stages : dominant design project strategy, dominant design engineering technology strategy, dominant design production technology strategy, and dominant design production system strategy. The strategic model summarizes the key activities at each stage. In addition, the steps and core activities of this strategic model were confirmed through the case study. As a technology development strategy of HSP products, Hyundai Heavy Industries utilized open innovation technology to cooperate with outside, that is, collaborative research and development with KAIST (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology) research team, and succeeded in achieving technology development of dominant design of HSP products by linking it with HSP technology development and acquisition strategy.



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