Wavelet operator for multiscale modeling of a nuclear reactor

  • Received : 2017.04.19
  • Accepted : 2018.02.07
  • Published : 2018.06.25


This article introduces a methodology of designing a wavelet operator suitable for multiscale modeling. The operator matrix transforms states of a multivariable system onto projection space. In addition, it imposes a specific structure on the system matrix in a multiscale environment. To be specific, the article deals with a diagonalizing transform that is useful for decoupled control of a system. It establishes that there exists a definite relationship between the model in the measurement space and that in the projection space. Methodology for deriving the multirate perfect reconstruction filter bank, associated with the wavelet operator, is presented. The efficacy of the proposed technique is demonstrated by modeling the point kinetics nuclear reactor. The outcome of the multiscale modeling approach is compared with that in the single-scale approach to bring out the advantage of the proposed method.



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