A Philosophical Interpretation for the Corporate Social Responsibility

기업의 사회적 책임에 대한 철학적 해석

  • 서용모 (유원대학교 교양융합학부) ;
  • 윤인환 (LH토지주택연구원 미래전략연구실)
  • Received : 2018.10.30
  • Accepted : 2018.12.07
  • Published : 2018.12.31


This study is a theoretical study on philosophical thinking for examining the idea of the corporate social responsibility(CSR) of a company. The oriental philosophical thought is to understand the contents of social responsibility of the corporation centering on Mozi's philosophy, which stresses that people should care for everyone equally. In the Western philosophical thought, we tried to understand the contents of corporate social responsibility by focusing on utilitarian thought. It is not merely an actual principle or a moral principle, but a comprehension for mutual benefit. In conclusion, it can be concluded that universal love's approach through the gangbang has many similarities with the realization of the greatest happiness of the number that is uttered in utilitarian thinking. In this way, a sustainable competitiveness of corporations can be achieved through universal love and utilitarian philosophical understanding and practice for the cognition of social responsibility.



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