A simple method for estimating transition locations on blade surface of model propellers to be used for calculating viscous force

  • Yao, Huilan (State Key Laboratory of Ocean Engineering, School of Naval Architecture, Ocean and Civil Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University) ;
  • Zhang, Huaixin (State Key Laboratory of Ocean Engineering, School of Naval Architecture, Ocean and Civil Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University)
  • 투고 : 2017.06.01
  • 심사 : 2017.09.03
  • 발행 : 2018.07.31


Effects of inflow Reynolds number (Re), turbulence intensity (I) and pressure gradient on the transition flow over a blade section were studied using the ${\gamma}-Re{\theta}$ transition model (STAR-CCM+). Results show that the $Re_T$ (transition Re) at the transition location ($P_T$) varies strongly with Re, I and the magnitude of pressure gradient. The $Re_T$ increases significantly with the increase of the magnitude of favorable pressure gradient. It demonstrates that the $Re_T$ on different blade sections of a rotating propeller are different. More importantly, when there is strong adverse pressure gradient, the $P_T$ is always close to the minimum pressure point. Based on these conclusions, the $P_T$ on model propeller blade surface can be estimated. Numerical investigations of pressure distribution and transition flow on a propeller blade section prove these findings. Last, a simple method was proposed to estimate the $P_T$ only based on the propeller geometry and the advance coefficient.



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