Numerical analysis of propagation of macrocracks in 3D concrete structures affected by ASR

  • Moallemi, S. (Department of Civil Engineering, McMaster University) ;
  • Pietruszczak, S. (Department of Civil Engineering, McMaster University)
  • 투고 : 2017.06.12
  • 심사 : 2018.04.04
  • 발행 : 2018.07.25


In this study an implicit algorithm for modeling of propagation of macrocracks in 3D concrete structures suffering from alkali-silica reaction has been developed and implemented. The formulation of the problem prior to the onset of localized deformation is based on a chemo-elasticity approach. The localized deformation mode, involving the formation of macrocracks, is described using a simplified form of the strong discontinuity approach (SDA) that employs a volume averaging technique enhanced by a numerical procedure for tracing the propagation path in 3D space. The latter incorporates a non-local smoothening algorithm. The formulation is illustrated by a number of numerical examples that examine the crack propagation pattern in both plain and reinforced concrete under different loading scenarios.



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