Effects of Bat Type on the Swing Motion of High School Baseball Athletes

  • Choi, Min Ra (Biomechanics & Sports Engineering Lab., Kookmin University) ;
  • Song, Sung Woo (Biomechanics & Sports Engineering Lab., Kookmin University) ;
  • Cha, Myung Joo (Biomechanics & Sports Engineering Lab., Kookmin University) ;
  • Shin, Min Young (Biomechanics & Sports Engineering Lab., Kookmin University) ;
  • Lee, Ki Kwang (Biomechanics & Sports Engineering Lab., Kookmin University)
  • Received : 2018.04.30
  • Accepted : 2018.06.09
  • Published : 2018.06.30


Objective: The purpose of this study was to investigate the factors affecting two kinds of bat swing behavior through kinematic analysis. Method: A total of 32 high school baseball players participated in this study. The ball was placed on the tee-ball in a position where the subject could easily swing and the standard bat swing was performed as quickly and as accurately as possible using aluminum bats and wooden bats. Results: The aluminum bat showed a rapid swing speed of about 1.79 m/sec compared to the wooden bat. The speed of the batted ball was found to be significantly greater for the aluminum bat than for the wooden bat. In addition, although the difference between the shoulder-pelvis rotation angle according to the type of bat was not indicated, there was a statistically significant difference between the aluminum bat and the wooden bat in terms of the rotational angular velocity. Conclusion: Even though the results can explain the difference between the bat swing speed and the speed of the batted ball depending on the bat's material, it is difficult to explain the difference depending on the type of bat at the shoulder-pelvis rotation angle. However, shoulder-pelvic rotation angular velocity appears to be higher for the aluminum bat, and the differences in the type of bat is considered to be related to the batting swing factor.



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