패션 인스타그램의 정보제공 주체(브랜드 vs 소비자)에 따른 소비자 인식 -신뢰성, 유용성, 유희성을 중심으로-

Consumer Perceptions of Images in Fashion Instagram by Information Providers (Brand vs Consumers) -Focusing on Credibility, Usefulness, Enjoyment-

  • 투고 : 2017.04.04
  • 심사 : 2018.05.31
  • 발행 : 2018.06.30


This study investigated consumer perceptions of information provided in a fashion Instagram. This study examined the differences between information provided in Instagram by brand vs consumers. A pilot test was conducted to develop stimuli and a brand selection in the main study. Participants were randomly assigned to one of two stimuli manipulated by information providers, and examined the perceived credibility, usefulness, and enjoyment of information as well as brand attachment and purchase intention. We gathered and analyzed a total of 200 data. The findings of the study showed that respondents perceived significantly greater usefulness and purchase intention of images uploaded by consumers compared to the fashion brand. Credibility and enjoyment were significant factors to enhance brand attachment; in addition, usefulness, credibility, and enjoyment were significant factors to increase purchase intention. The findings of the study suggest academic and marketing implications.



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