A case study on the effect of communication training program on nurse's communication ability, emotional intelligence (EQ), self - esteem and interpersonal ability

의사소통 훈련 프로그램이 간호사의 의사소통능력, 감성지능(EQ), 자존감 및 대인관계능력에 미치는 효과에 대한 사례연구

  • Yoo, Mi-Ja (Department of Nursing, Chodang University)
  • Received : 2018.03.19
  • Accepted : 2018.06.01
  • Published : 2018.06.30


This study was a non-equivalence-based Quasi experimental study comparing the difference in communication ability, emotional intelligence (EQ), self-esteem, and interpersonal abilities between an experimental group with communication training and a non-control group. The subjects of the study were nurses working for D university hospital located in C city and comprised an experimental group of 21 people and a control group of 21 people. From April to May 2017, the experimental group took communication training programs, which were designed to improve communication capacity, emotional intelligence, self-esteem, and interpersonal ability for a total of four sessions (for 2 hours a week), and pre-post examination was conducted for the validity of the study. For data analysis, the SPSS for Windows 23 was used for the mean and standard deviation of pre-post tests, and U-test of the independent sample Mann-Whitney and the Wilcoxon code order test of the corresponding sample were carried out. The study results indicate that, compared with the control group, the experimental group showed communication capacity (Z=-3.361, p<.05), emotional intelligence (Z=-2.209, p<.05), self-esteem (Z=-1.633, p<.05), and interpersonal relationship (Z=-2.577, p<.05). After the communication training program, scores of communication capacity, emotional intelligence (EQ), self-esteem, and interpersonal competence of the experimental group increased significantly, and all hypotheses were supported. These results suggest that nurses' use of communication training experience in performing nursing work in a clinical setting would improve communication skills, emotional intelligence (EQ), self-esteem, and interpersonal skills and provide therapeutic communication and effective nursing, thereby enhancing patients' satisfaction and contributing to the improvement of nursing quality.

본 연구는 의사소통 훈련을 받은 실험집단과 그렇지 않은 대조집단 사이의 의사소통능력, 감성지능, 자존감과 대인관계능력의 차이를 비교하는 비동등성 유사실험 연구이다. 연구대상은 C시 소재의 D대학병원에 근무하는 21명의 간호사를 실험집단으로, 21명의 간호사를 대조집단으로 구성하여 2017년 4월부터 5월까지, 실험집단에게는 의사소통능력, 감성지능, 자존감 및 대인관계능력 향상을 위한 의사소통 훈련 프로그램을 주 1회 2시간씩 총 4회기를 진행하였고, 연구의 효과성 검정을 위하여 사전, 사후 검사를 실시하였다. 자료 분석은 SPSS for Window 23을 이용하여 사전사후검사의 평균과 표준편차, 독립표본 Mann-Whitney의 U검증, 대응표본 Wilcoxon 부호 순위 검증을 실시하였다. 연구결과 실험집단과 훈련을 받지 않은 대조집단에서 의사소통능력(Z=-3.361, p<.05), 감성지능(Z=-2.209, p<.05), 자존감(Z=-1.633, p<.05), 대인관계능력(Z=-2.577, p<.05)으로 나타나, 의사소통훈련 프로그램 후 실험집단의 의사소통능력, 감성지능(EQ), 자존감 및 대인관계능력 점수가 모두 유의하게 증가하였으며, 모든 가설은 지지되었다. 이러한 결과를 볼 때 임상현장에서 간호업무 수행 시 의사소통 훈련프로그램을 활용한다면 의사소통능력, 감성지능(EQ), 자존감 및 대인관계능력의 향상으로 치료적인 의사소통과 효과적인 간호를 제공하여 환자의 만족감을 높이고 간호의 질 향상에도 기여할 것이다.



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