Simulation of reactivity-initiated accident transients on UO2-M5® fuel rods with ALCYONE V1.4 fuel performance code

  • Guenot-Delahaie, Isabelle (French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (CEA), DEN/Cadarache/DEC) ;
  • Sercombe, Jerome (French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (CEA), DEN/Cadarache/DEC) ;
  • Helfer, Thomas (French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (CEA), DEN/Cadarache/DEC) ;
  • Goldbronn, Patrick (French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (CEA), DEN/Cadarache/DEC) ;
  • Federici, Eric (French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (CEA), DEN/Cadarache/DEC) ;
  • Jolu, Thomas Le (French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (CEA), DEN/Saclay/DMN) ;
  • Parrot, Aurore (EDF R&D, Materials and Mechanics of Components Department (MMC)) ;
  • Delafoy, Christine (AREVA NP) ;
  • Bernaudat, Christian (EDF SEPTEN Nuclear Engineering Division)
  • 투고 : 2017.11.14
  • 심사 : 2017.12.13
  • 발행 : 2018.03.25


The ALCYONE multidimensional fuel performance code codeveloped by the CEA, EDF, and AREVA NP within the PLEIADES software environment models the behavior of fuel rods during irradiation in commercial pressurized water reactors (PWRs), power ramps in experimental reactors, or accidental conditions such as loss of coolant accidents or reactivity-initiated accidents (RIAs). As regards the latter case of transient in particular, ALCYONE is intended to predictively simulate the response of a fuel rod by taking account of mechanisms in a way that models the physics as closely as possible, encompassing all possible stages of the transient as well as various fuel/cladding material types and irradiation conditions of interest. On the way to complying with these objectives, ALCYONE development and validation shall include tests on $PWR-UO_2$ fuel rods with advanced claddings such as M5(R) under "low pressure-low temperature" or "high pressure-high temperature" water coolant conditions. This article first presents ALCYONE V1.4 RIA-related features and modeling. It especially focuses on recent developments dedicated on the one hand to nonsteady water heat and mass transport and on the other hand to the modeling of grain boundary cracking-induced fission gas release and swelling. This article then compares some simulations of RIA transients performed on $UO_2$-M5(R) fuel rods in flowing sodium or stagnant water coolant conditions to the relevant experimental results gained from tests performed in either the French CABRI or the Japanese NSRR nuclear transient reactor facilities. It shows in particular to what extent ALCYONE-starting from base irradiation conditions it itself computes-is currently able to handle both the first stage of the transient, namely the pellet-cladding mechanical interaction phase, and the second stage of the transient, should a boiling crisis occur. Areas of improvement are finally discussed with a view to simulating and analyzing further tests to be performed under prototypical PWR conditions within the CABRI International Program. M5(R) is a trademark or a registered trademark of AREVA NP in the USA or other countries.



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