Fashion consumers' information search and sharing in new media age

뉴 미디어 시대 패션소비자의 정보 탐색과 공유

  • Shin, HyunJu (Dept. of Clothing & Textiles, Hanyang University) ;
  • Lee, Kyu-Hye (Dept. of Clothing & Textiles, Hanyang University)
  • Received : 2018.03.24
  • Accepted : 2018.04.25
  • Published : 2018.04.30


As mobile shopping has increased in the new media age, fashion consumers' decision making and product consumption processes have changed. The volume of consumer-driven information has expanded since media and social networking sites have enabled consumers to share information they obtain. The purpose of this study was to determine the factors affecting information searching strategies and information sharing about fashion products. An online survey collected data from 466 respondents, relating to the influence of product price level and consumer SNS commitment level on information search and information sharing. Experimental design of three product price level and two consumer SNS commitment level was used. Analysis of the data identified factors in fashion information searching as ongoing searching, prepurchase web portal information search, and prepurchase marketing information search. For low-price fashion products, prepurchase product-detail influenced intention to share information. For mid-priced products, ongoing search significantly affected intention to share information. Both ongoing search and prepurchase marketing information search showed significant effects for high-price products. Consumers who are more committed to SNS engaged in significantly more searching in all aspects of information search factors. Significant interaction effect was detected for consumer SNS commitment level and product price level. When consumers with low consumer SNS commitment search for information on lower-priced fashion products, they are less likely do a prepurchase web portal information search.



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