Classification and Evaluation of Service Requirements in Mobile Tourism Application Using Kano Model and AHP

  • 투고 : 2017.10.10
  • 심사 : 2018.03.15
  • 발행 : 2018.03.31


Purpose The emergence of mobile applications has simplified our life in various ways. Regarding tourism activities, mobile applications are already efficient in providing personalized tourism related information and are very much effective in booking hotels, flights, etc. However, there are very few studies on classifying the actual service requirements and improving the customer satisfaction in mobile tourism applications. The purpose of this study is to implement a practical mobile tourism application. To serve the purpose, we classify and categorize the service requirement of mobile tourism applications in Korea. We employed Kano model and analytic hierarchy process (AHP). Specifically, we conducted a focus group study to find out the service requirements in mobile tourism applications. Design/methodology/approach The data for this study were collected from Koreans and Foreigners who has the experience using mobile tourism applications. Participants needed to be familiar with mobile tourism applications because such users may be more aware of the mobile tourism applications services. We analyzed 147 valid data using Kano model and conducted AHP analysis on five experts in the field of tourism using Expert Choice software. Findings In this paper, we identified the 17 service quality requirements in the mobile tourism applications. The results reveal that the service requirement such as Geo-location map, Multilingual option, Compatibility with different operating systems were unavoidable service, absent of such requirements leads to the dissatisfaction. Based on the results of the integrated application of both Kano model and AHP analysis, this study provide specific implications for improving the service quality of the mobile tourism applications in Korea.



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