Fig. 1. Train Control Concepts
Fig. 2. Braking Model in Train Control System
Fig. 4. Brake Blending Concept
Fig. 3. Electric Multiple Unit Braking System
Fig. 5. Running Resistance Test Results
Fig. 6. Brake Cylinder Pressure at Trailer Cars
Fig. 7. Brake Cylinder Pressure at Motor Cars
Fig. 8. Regenerative Braking Force at Motor Cars
Fig. 9. Emergency Braking Distance Comparison
Fig. 10. Service Braking Distance Comparison
Fig. 11. Stopping distance with initial velocity(Emergency Braking)
Fig. 12. Stopping distance differences with upper and lower limit friction coefficients
Table 1. Properties of Train
Table 2. Stopping distance with sim
Table 3. Brake Friction Coefficients
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