Fig. 1. The figuration and composition of Radar Control Unit(inside)
Fig. 2. The figuration and composition of Radar Control Unit(outside)
Fig. 3. The flowchart of the role on PCB
Fig. 4. The circuit of PCB
Fig. 5. The figuration of PCB(front side)
Fig. 6. The figuration of PCB(back side)
Fig. 7. The datasheet of DS75176BTM
Fig. 8. The datasheet of MAX1487EESA
Fig. 9. The temperature of R17(a), ambient temperature(b)and consumption current(c) on DS75176BTM
Fig. 10. The temperature of R17(a), ambienttemperature(b) and consumption current(c) on MAX1487EESA
Table 1. The Comparison Table of Performance
Table 2. The Temperature and consumption current before and after change
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