The Characteristics of Electrolyte Temperature and Current Density on Selective Jet Electrodeposition

선택적 금속 전착에 대한 전해질 온도 및 전류밀도 영향분석

  • Received : 2018.11.13
  • Accepted : 2018.12.31
  • Published : 2018.12.31


A metal 3D printer has been developed on its own to electrodeposit the localized area. Nozzles were used to selectively laminate the electrolytic plating method. To analyze the factors affecting the deposition, the stack height, thickness and surface roughness were experimentally analyzed according to the current density and the temperature of the electrolyte. Electrolytic temperature and current are electrodeposited when the deposition conditions are dominant over the etching conditions, but the thickness is kept constant. On the contrary, when the etching conditions are dominant, the electrodeposited shape is rather the etched. As a result, the uniformity of surface quality and electrodeposition rate could be improved by conducting experiments under constant conditions of electrolyte temperature and current density.


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Fig. 1. Schematic diagram of the electrochemical Nozzle system.

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Fig. 2. Influence of electrolyte temperature on distribution of deposited layer: (Left) Surface shape(a) 25℃ (b) 35℃, (c) 45℃, (d) 55℃, (Right) deposited layer height comparison.

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Fig. 3. Influence of applied current on distribution of deposited layer: (a) deposited layer width (b) height.

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Fig. 4. Thickness aspect ratio with (a) temperature and (b) current density variation

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Fig. 5. SEM Images of manufactured surface texture by electrolyte temperature (a) 6 mA, (b) 12 mA, (c) 18 mA, (d) 24 mA.

Table 1. Electrochemical bath compositions and physical characteristics

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