Fig. 1. Analysis of Community (IPC-4 digit)
Fig. 2. VR related News articles
Fig. 3. Deriving the coefficient of associationnij= EC_AB, Nj=EC_A, Ni= EC_B, N= Total EC
Table 1. Number of Articles by Journal (2010~Jan. 2018)
Table 2. Methodology and Analysis
Table 3. Top 20 Keyword by Period
Table 4. Top 20 Keyword by Players
Table 5. Top 20 Keyword by IPC code
Table 6. Analysis of Centrality (IPC- 4 digit)
Table 7. Analysis of Centrality (IPC- 7 digit)
Table 8. IPC Code Description
Table 9. IPC codes and technology sector by Community
Table 10. Keyword selection based on TF-IDF
Table 11. Words associated with VR
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