Analysis of Phylogenetic Relationship of 30 Cultivars of Korean Mulberry (Rosales: Moraceae) in Korea

  • Kwon, O-Chul (Sericultural & Apicultural Materials Division, National Institute of Agricultural Science, Rural Development Administration) ;
  • Kim, Hyun-Bok (Sericultural & Apicultural Materials Division, National Institute of Agricultural Science, Rural Development Administration) ;
  • Sung, Gyoo-Byung (Sericultural & Apicultural Materials Division, National Institute of Agricultural Science, Rural Development Administration) ;
  • Kim, Yong-Soon (Sericultural & Apicultural Materials Division, National Institute of Agricultural Science, Rural Development Administration) ;
  • Ju, Wan-Taek (Sericultural & Apicultural Materials Division, National Institute of Agricultural Science, Rural Development Administration)
  • 투고 : 2018.11.26
  • 심사 : 2018.12.13
  • 발행 : 2018.12.31


This study was carried out to understand phylogenetic relationships of the 30 mulberry cultivars converved in Korea based on the ITS rDNA region, and they were compared to 40 reference sequences from GenBank. The size and the G+C content of the ITS rDNA gene regions from the 30 Korean mulberry cultivars and 40 reference sequences varied from 612-630 bp and 58.19-61.62%, respectively. Based on the results of the comparative phylogenetic analysis of the ITS rDNA regions of the 30 Korean mulberry cultivars and 40 reference sequences, they were divided into three groups (Group 1, 2, and 3) and two subgroups (Group 1A and 1B within Group 1). The sequence lengths of the Korean mulberry cultivar numbers 1-26 and 27-30 were 615 bp and 616 bp, respectively. At 205 bp location of ITS1 rDNA region, the cultivar numbers 1-26 contain the nucleotide thymine but the cultivar numbers 27-30 contain the nucleotide adenine. In addition, the insertion of the nucleotide adenine at 206 bp location was found only in the four Korean mulberry cultivars (numbers 27-30). Based on these sequence information and phylogenetic result, the 30 Korean mulberry cultivars were identified as M. alba and M. australis. This study will contribute to the construction of genetic database constructions and accurate variety identifications for unidentified mulberry varieties in Korea.


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Fig. 1. Phylogenetic relationships based on ITS rDNA region sequences among 30 Korean mulberry cultivars and 40 reference sequences. The tree was obtained using the neighbor–joining method. Numbers at the branch nodes represent bootstrap values obtained from 1,000 replications. Two strains of Artocarpus heterophyllus and Broussonetia papyrifera were used as the outgroups.

Table 1. Sequence information for ITS region of Korean mulberry cultivars used in this study

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Table 2. Information for ITS rDNA region of reference sequence (NCBI databases)

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Table 3. Sequence difference of ITS 1 region between the two Korean mulberry cultivar groups

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